
Bacterial infections

Paronychia (nail fold infection)

Paronychia (nail fold infection)

What is Paronychia? Paronychia is an inflammation involving the cuticle and the nail fold, which occurs after injury to this area. It can be acute, lasting a few days, or chronic, lasting several weeks. What is the main cause of paronychia? Paronychia is usually a bacterial infection that causes severe skin inflammation around the nail. It can affect the fingers

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Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection With Antibiotics

Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) With Antibiotics

Summary of the Article: TL;DR What is a urinary tract infection? A urinary tract infection (UTI) is the name given to an infection of any urinary tract structure, including the urethra, bladder, ureters, or kidneys. In over 95% of patients, the infection is bacterial in origin, with the Escherichia coli bacterium responsible for more than 80% of these cases. No

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Pictures: Syphilis – All stages [Warning: Strong Images]

Pictures: Syphilis – All stages [Warning: Strong Images]

What is syphilis? Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The hallmark symptom of syphilis, typically seen in the initial stage, is a painless ulcer, known as a chancre, predominantly appearing in the genital region. The most significant risk of transmission comes from individuals in the primary or secondary stages of the disease, particularly when

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Syphilis: Symptoms, Tests, Transmission, Treatment, and Cure

Syphilis: Symptoms, Tests, Transmission, Treatment, and Cure

What is Syphilis? Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. It is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, and its most common symptom is a painless ulcer in the genital area. If not properly treated, syphilis develops as a three-stage disease: primary, secondary, and tertiary syphilis. Each stage has different symptoms, and in the more advanced stages, the infection can spread

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